Peer-reviewedJournal Article
Book Chapter
Johns, A. & Cheong, N. (2023) The Affective Pressures of WhatsApp: From Safe Spaces to Conspiratorial Publics, in Cinque, T., Maddox, A. & Gehl, R. W. (eds) The Dark Social Online Practices of Resistance, Motility and Power. Routledge.
Johns, A., Byron, P., Cheong, N., Wijaya, H.Y., & Afifi, N. (2022) “Report for, and needs of Marginalized Young Peoples on Digital Literacy, Safety and Participation”. UNDP and UNESCO. Available online:
Peer-reviewedJournal Article
Johns, A. & Cheong, N. (2021). "The affective pressures of WhatsApp: from safe spaces to conspiratorial publics". Continuum, 35(5), 732-746.
Book Chapter
Cheong, N. (2021). “Internet-led Political Journalism: Challenging hybrid regime resilience in Malaysia”. In Morrison, J., Birks, J., and Berry, M. (Eds), Routledge Companion to Political Journalism, Routledge.
Journal Article
Cheong, JPG., Khoo, S., Inoue, C., Surujlal, J., Cheong, N., Esfahani, M., Lin, P., Brooke, M., Li, Y., Chun, H., Alshahrany, A., Al-Shamli, A., and Razman, R. (2020). "An 11-country analysis of newspaper coverage of the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games”. Disability and Society.
Book Chapter
Cheong, N. (2020). "Malaysia: Disinformation as a response to the ‘opposition playground’". in Sinpeng, A. and Tapsell, R. (Eds), From Grassroots Activism to Disinformation: Social Media in Southeast Asia, ISEAS Publishing: Singapore
Peer-reviewedJournal Article
Johns, A., & Cheong, N. (2019). "Feeling the Chill: Bersih 2.0, State Censorship, and 'Networked Affect' on Malaysian Social Media 2012–2018". Social Media + Society.
Cheong, N. (2017). Growing Up In KL: 10 Years of The Bangsar Boy. Petaling Jaya, Selangor: MPH Group Publishing.
Cheong, N. (2016). “Propagate the idea of mutual respect”. In Soo, EJ. (Ed), Moderation (pp 22-27). Petaling Jaya, Selangor: Star Media Group.
Research Projects
How do young voters navigate political information during the 15th Malaysian General Election?
Funded by the Faculty of Arts & Humanities Small Research Grant (Early-career Researcher strand) and the DDH Departmental Research Grant at King's College London.
Mapping online safety and literacy resources for LGBTI youth and YKP in the Asia-Pacific region
Working alongside Dr. Amelia Johns and Dr. Paul Byron (University of Technology, Sydney), and Mr. Hendri Yulius, funded by UNESCO/UNDP.
Analysis of print media (and their use of Facebook) coverage of the 2020 Paralympic Games
Co-leading with Dr. Selina Khoo and Dr. Jadeera Cheong (Universiti Malaya), involving researchers in 19 countries.
Experiences of Jeremy Corbyn Supporters in the 2019 General Election Campaign
Named researcher on a project based at the University of Huddersfield (PI: Professor Cornel Sandvoss)
Decoding the Weaponisation of Popular Culture on WhatsApp in Singapore and Malaysia
Working alongside Dr. Crystal Abidin (Curtin University), Dr. Amelia Johns (University of Technology Sydney), Dr. Natalie Pang (National University of Singapore) and Associate Professor Joanne BY Lim (University of Nottingham Malaysia. Successfully awarded the the Facebook Integrity Foundational Research Award (US$50,000).
An 11-country analysis of newspaper coverage of the 2016 Rio Paralympic Games
Led by Associate Professor Selina Khoo and Dr. Jadeera Cheong (University of Malaya), involving researchers in 11 countries.
‘Digital citizenship’ policies and the digital networking practices of diaspora youth in Australia and Malaysia
Research Assistant for Dr. Amelia Johns (University of Technology Sydney). I was also involved in her follow-up fieldwork for the project titled: The Digital Citizenship Practices of Malaysian-Chinese Youth in the lead up to the 2018 General Election.